You can even create Blade files from within controllers, have autocompletion within those blade files, and much more.
In addition, you can refactor a Blade file name and automatically update all its references. You can extract code to blade components, and there’s autocompletion for those components. For Laravel artisans, we added Blade support via Laravel’s template engine. PhpStorm already offers powerful syntax highlighting for different constructs and syntax errors right out of the box. Laravel Idea provides a clean interface to generate everything you need.

You don’t have to remember “make” commands and their parameters. From controllers and middleware to migrations and console commands, it’s all there. Laravel Idea has support for generating almost anything. You can also generate default request rules based on models. PhpStorm combined with the Laravel Idea plugin supports request classes and validation rules, adding a bunch of autocompletions and insights wherever you need them. You’ll get autocompletion on methods and properties, you can easily switch between view and component files, you can click on components, and much more. Livewire, the library that drastically simplifies dynamic interfaces, is also supported. You’ll get autocompletion on route names and route methods.

The bundle provides autocompletion and insights into routes everywhere. The benefits range from autocompletion on methods like scopes, to PhpStorm knowing about all available model fields and relations, to full query builder and factory support, and much more. Laravel does quite a lot to make Eloquent such a powerful ORM, and PhpStorm is able to understand everything thanks to the Laravel Idea plugin. With a deep understanding of your Laravel codebase, PhpStorm bundled with the Laravel Idea plugin supports autocompletion of the most frequently used commands. One crucial feature that boosts the productivity of Laravel developers is autocompletion for the actions they use on a daily basis.
You want to be more productive, right? In this blog post, you’ll learn how to increase your productivity using PhpStorm with the Laravel Idea plugin.

You’re a Laravel developer, a web artisan.